Metricalp announces the most generous referral bonus in the world
Friend = 30% more events

Metricalp announces the most generous referral bonus in the world

Metricalp is proud to announce the most generous referral bonus in the world. Refer a friend and earn 30% event quota of your subscription for life - both you and your friend. Unlimited and forever. Learn more about how it works.

We know that you love Metricalp and you are happy to share it with your friends. We are happy to announce that now we have the most generous referral bonus in the world. Let's see what it is.

How it works?

Very simple. Just grab your referral link from account settings / referral bonus screen.

Then share it with your friend. When your friend registers Metricalp through your link, your friend gets 30% more event quota for his selected package immediately. And when your friend pays for the subscription once (when 1-month trial ends), you get 30% more event quota for your selected package for life. Both you and your friend get 30% more event quota for life. Unlimited and forever.

What are conditions ?

There isn't actually. But we can guess the questions and here the answers:

What if my friend cancels his subscription after a while?

If he paid at least once, then your bonus is your forever. You will not lose it even your friend cancels his subscription, no worries.

What if I upgrade my package?

Let say you were in XSmall package. You had 15.000 event limit. You referred a friend and after his trial period ends you got 30% referral bonus (+4500 event) now your limit is 19.500. After a while you wanted to upgrade your package to Small package which basely has 100.000 event limit. What will happen to your bonus? Hold on you gonna love this. Your bonus will be recalculated according to your new package. So you will get 30% more event quota of your new package. In this case you will get 30.000 event bonus. So your new limit will be 130.000 after upgrade 😱😱

Example scenarios and calculation

Let's say you have friends Joe and Alice. You are a Metricalp user with Small package subscription (100.000 event limit basely). You loved Metricalp so much and you shared it with your friends. They registered through your referral link. Joe selected XSmall package (15.000 event limit basely) and Alice selected Large package (500.000 event limit basely). Firstly they got their bonus immediately. Joe got 4500 event bonus and Alice got 150.000 event bonus. After their trial period ends they made their first pay and you got your bonus. You got 30.000 event bonus for Joe and 30.000 event bonus for Alice. Now your event limit is 160.000. You can see the calculation below:

0.3 * 100.000 = 30.000 (Joe's bonus)
0.3 * 100.000 = 30.000 (Alice's bonus)

So, always 30% of current selected packages event limit will be added as bonus for everyone. Fair and generous right? Even better, this is yours forever. Assume that, Joe decided to cancel his subscription after 2 months. It does not matter, you got your bonus and it is yours forever. Your event limit will be 160.000 still. And if you upgrade your package to Large package (500.000), your bonus will be recalculated according to your new package. So you will get 30% more event quota of your new package. In this case you will get 300.000 event bonus (150.000 for Joe and 150.000 for Alice). So your new limit will be 800.000 😱😱 We reserving your bonus forever in any case even while Joe left already and you changed your package. So, youcan almost double your base event limit with only refferring 3 friends. How awesome right?

Alice also loved Metricalp so much. She has 650.000 event (150.000 is bonus because she registered with your reference). Now, she referred her friend Bob. Bob registered with Alice's reference and his trial period ended. Now Alice has another 30% more event bonus of current package (150.000) also because of this referral. Now, she has got 800.000 total event limit. The rule is:

You can be refferred only once but you can refer unlimited friends.

So, when you have Small package (100.000) limit and you referred 50 friends, then you earned (0.3*100.000) = 30.000 bonus event per every friend so now you going to have 1.600.000 event limit until forever 😱😱 We said that, this is the most generous referral bonus system and we proud with it 💜

Do you have other questions? Do not hesitate to contact us.